Android Application Development - is our specialty

We specialize in the development of native mobile applications for Android. Our apps look well visually, convenient, intuitive users (user friendly), effectively solve business problems of our clients, which helps raise their business to a new level. The success contributes to our experience in the development of mobile applications, the popularity of Android and the emergence of new functionality within a given technology.

The number of new gadgets running Android is growing rapidly, there are new manufacturers of smartphones. 

In 2012 the number of Android users were only 50% of the total number of smartphone users, but today this figure rose to 87%, which makes Android operating system the most popular in the world.






Android приложения

The analysis is conducted for the purpose of a detailed study of the needs of the target audience, in the course of research, we examine in detail the competing solutions, their advantages and disadvantages, or fix their absence. Our experts will determine the main goals, objectives, target audience and competition, on the basis of which the product development strategy is determined from development to promotion of mobile applications, as well as its further development.

On the basis of the information gathered during the analysis, the survey of the customer and all of our specialists available for project data develop terms of reference. TRS is developed with the direct interaction with the customer and includes all of the requirements, the conditions, the description of mobile application functionality, as well as the main screen mockups. TRS Development is a paid service / stage of cooperation, the conditions are specified individually.

Well thought-out and detailed designed project structure, easy in usage and good-looking interface are the keys to successful mobile applications. Intuitive navigation combined with good design is well memorable, it holds the user's attention and attracts the new customers as well.

Most people react irritably to the details they are not satisfied with, so we will do our best to accommodate everything and in the process we are guided by the formula: " usability + designed structure + required functionality = quality product".

Creating applications for Android is a complex multi-step process that requires specialized technical knowledge in the field of Android-programming, databases, and above all a great understanding of the architecture / application design and easy usability.

When application structure is ready, mockups are developed - the prototypes of screens, which give an idea of ​​how this page will look like and its functionality. Mobile application design is being drawn by the designers on the basis of existing mockups and description of the project (TRS).

Programmers start a project based on the Technical Requirements Specification (TRS), mockups and design layouts. The main task - to revive the implemented design and implement a functional application. Developers competently implement modern technologies and step by step correlate them with models. Also, be sure to take into account the possibility of adding new features, approaches and technologies into the application.

The process of developing Android-applications is focused on the qualitatively implemented functionality and on the project to work steadily and smoothly, and, if necessary, could be improved with the addition of new features and sections. It is very important to use the latest Android-technologies and libraries, because the automation of many processes is already been laid in the new and improved versions.

Efficiency in the development of mobile application is achieved through the work of a responsible and professional team of specialists (analysts, designers, programmers, testers, managers, etc.). We believe that the development of applications for Android - a whole philosophy, with its structure and characteristics, which needs an individual, responsible and meticulous approach.

During the development of the application and at the stage of its end the testing is required. This important process takes around 20-30% of the time spent on the process of creating a product. It identifies possible functional errors, the application is loaded and the maximum load is checked, verified the correctness of map styles, graphics, images and elements.

The finished product, which has been deeply tested,, we place on Google Play.

Our experts will advise about the monetization of the project and will set up all the necessary functions. Previously, during the preparation phase of the project, you will get a list of data that must be prepared to adjust your account / wallet.

When the application goes through the moderation and is available for download, our experts will make the relevant descriptions and will optimize the profile for further promotion.

We develop Android applications on the popular Java programming language.

Project architecture is based on Android Clean Architecture. The underlying MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava, which is the main standard for the moment. We use the MVP-approach that allows you to split the projec structuret into separate independent from each other levels. Dagger2 and RxJava assumes Dependency Injection and a flow control. Construction of the project architecture is an important task, with the right approach it will reduce development time and improve code quality, which in turn will reduce the likelihood of bugs.

Used libraries. A well-chosen library have a positive effect on the speed of application development. We only use the frameworks that have been tested by us and time . The main ones are:

  • Retrofit2 and OkHttp3 to work with network requests;
  • Dagger2 library is used for dependency implementation in the construction classes. Without Dagger2 unit tests areimpossible to carry out ;
  • RxJava and RxAndroid are used for writing a reactive code, which is important today. This is a wonderful framework, projects are written using reactive programming are easily expandable and scalable.
  • Also, we should mention Picasso, ButteryKnife. Picasso takes over the load, display, and caching of images, ButteryKnife is responsible for accessing the elements of the user interface, as well as for event handling UI elements.

What about testing? We are writing the test code and can take over the writing unit-tests. We actively use such frameworks for testing as: junit, mockito, robolectric and espresso. In the end you get the application which is stable and tested on all the levels.

Also, each of the projects we integrate with Crashlitics to monitor errors that may occur when using applications on real devices. In case of a fall or an unresponsive application, you will receive a report with detailed information about the device and cause of the error.

Cost of an Android mobile application development is ranging from $ 1000. Also, you need to take into account the additional cost of developing the Technical Requirements Specification for the complex projects, the development of Back-end and API writing on projects where it is necessary.

Development of mobile applications for Android is our specialty and one of the priorities, so we guarantee the quality, reliability and efficiency of our solutions.

To create a mobile application you should choose a reliable developer; send your request / contact SEOTM and it will be the first step. Below there are the main stages of the mobile applications development. 



Meanings %
Expertise. TRS Development 10
Design 20
Application Development 60
Control, Launch 80
Publication. Promotion. 90

Order Android application development now, apply to SEOTM specialists with your tasks and get competitive offers and effective solution for your business.

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